Tag Archives: knitting

Grandma to Grandma

Five generations apart. Wow.

Here is an adorable picture of my grandma with my grandchild. Yes I sat in front of my grandma as a grandma. Isn’t that amazing? Grandma Nel is 94 and is a wonderfully strong woman who was fierce as a younger woman but mellowed with age ,becoming someone with whom I connected very strongly .

We both share a love of needlework and it was my pleasure to finish off a cardigan that she had knitted for her Great-Great Granddaughter when we visited. Erykah-Rose is wearing a pink cardigan that Grandma Nel knitted for her previously.

Craft: the generation gap filler.

My darling granddaughter and her doting grandma: ME!

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I’ve got my craft hat on!

Not content with blogging about kids birthday parties, I’ve now decided to start up this brand new blog all about one of my other passions ( aside from puppets, that is), that being craft. I love making things.
It’s been much maligned over the years, this craft thing, but I do feel we are now in a Renaissance of sorts, going back to the feeling of the Arts and Crafts Movement where hand making things was considered something to value. Now crochet is featuring in catwalk collections, yarn bombing has made needlework cool again and the younger generation are now taking up knitting and crochet and embroidery without feeling any embarrassment. I’ve lost count of the number of young men I’ve taught to knit recently, definitely a sign of progress in my view. Yeyy for craft say I.

My darling granddaughter wearing my very first crochet project

Back in the 80’s I was a Fine art student and my peers considered craft a dirty word. Realism was definitely out. Conceptualism was the order of the day and I felt very isolated. I was the only girl around for miles who knitted ( albeit very strange ) jumpers and made her own clothes. Now I’m all grown up I’m so pleased to see young people embracing craft whole heartedly. It warms the cockles of my heart to see a thriving knitting community flourish in nearby Waterloo called IKNIT . One day I shall go along and join in the clackety -clack of needles.