Category Archives: Humour

For When it’s a bit Nippy outdoors

Baby it’s cold outside

Brrr, it’s freezing out there. Seriously folks you need to wrap up to walk out in the UK at the minute. Yes I know, it’s winter and we really should expect it and if we were Scandinavians or Canadians we would be sunbathing right now! A nice hat is essential in this chilly snap. Tis reet nippy out there…

My facebook wall is being plastered with fantastic crochet links by my lovely friends. Seems like I’m the go-to person if there’s a funny or interesting crochet item and I’m loving it. The latest is this one: Fabulous breastfeeding hat that was posted by my darling Swedish friend, thank you Lena! It certainly provoked comment especially by one  lady who really was blown away by it. So I offered to make one for her.

And here it is.

Crochet boob hat

It's lovely isn't it?

What’s the matter? Is it a little plain for  you? It’s terribly sophisticated and classy and would go with anything, being  a nice neutral shade of cream.

Or maybe not. Let me swivel it for you…

Crochet breast hat

Ehem.. what's that on the top?

You can’t quite see? Okay, let me angle the camera up for you.

Hold on…

Crochet breast hat

and the penny drops.

Yes dear friends, this is a booby breast beanie. I do hope my lovely friend likes it, it really tickles my funny bone.

Crochet breast hat with nipple

It's so nippy out here.

Crochet breast hat cream and pink

Meet the Booby hat ( for brave strong women)

I’m getting something knitted in return. I’m really excited , I like a surprise.

Oh if anyone shares my friends sense of humour and style , let me know in the comments and I may just make a few to sell in my folksy shop(link below)
